Nearly as important as our logo are our established brand colors. This color palette was carefully crafted, keeping hierarchy and overall aesthetic in mind.

Our corporate colors are a distinct and crucial part of our identity, as they make our brand instantly recognizable. When applied consistently, our corporate colors also provide a strong visual link across various materials and communications and set our company apart from the competitors. No colors other than the ones specified may be used. Use orange and tan sparingly in design as accent colors only. Orange and tan should only be used with approval from the Corporate Marketing Communications Department. To protect the vibrancy of the Harris brand, colors other than gray are to be used at full saturation. (Exceptions allowed for charts/graphs and tear away usage.) 100% black should not be used.

Primary Blue

CMYK:   69 / 13 / 0 / 0
RGB:   41 / 173 / 228
PMS C:   2995C
PMS U:   306U
HEX:   #29ADE4

Primary Gray

CMYK:   68 / 62 / 50 / 33
RGB:   77 / 76 / 85
PMS C:   7540C
PMS U:   Black 6 U
HEX:   #4D4C55

Gray Shades

CMYK:   0 / 0 / 0 / 30
RGB:   188 / 190 / 192

Orange (CTA)

CMYK:   0 / 77 / 92 / 0
RGB:   242 / 97 / 46
PMS C:   165C
PMS U:   Orange 021 U
HEX:  # F2612E


CMYK:   25 / 32 / 50 / 0
RGB:   195 / 168 / 134
HEX:   #C3A886

Kraft paper is used as substitute in print.